Why is UV light used For Paranormal Investigation?
UV light is sometimes used in paranormal investigations due to its unique properties and potential for capturing evidence. Here are a few reasons why UV light is utilized:
Fluorescence detection: UV light falls outside the visible spectrum and has shorter wavelengths, making it capable of revealing fluorescence. Certain substances, such as bodily fluids, chemicals, or minerals, can emit fluorescence when exposed to UV light. Investigators may use UV light to search for hidden stains, markings, or traces that are otherwise invisible to the naked eye.
Revealing hidden details: UV light can unveil details that are not readily apparent under normal lighting conditions. For example, UV light can highlight alterations or repairs on old documents, reveal hidden messages or symbols, or expose signs of tampering on objects or surfaces. This can be useful for examining historical artifacts, documents, or locations with suspected paranormal activity.
Energy source detection: In some paranormal theories, it is believed that spirits or entities draw energy from their surroundings to manifest or interact with the physical world. UV light can be used to detect anomalies in the energy field, as some investigators believe that spirits emit or manipulate energy that can be captured using UV-sensitive equipment.
Atmospheric conditions: UV light can be affected by atmospheric conditions, such as humidity, dust particles, or ionization. Some paranormal investigators use UV light to observe anomalies in the environment that may be associated with paranormal activity, such as unusual patterns, disturbances, or light sources.
It's important to note that while UV light can be a useful tool in paranormal investigations, its effectiveness and significance in capturing evidence are still a matter of debate. Paranormal investigations often involve a variety of techniques and equipment, and UV light is just one of many tools that investigators may employ to gather information and explore potential paranormal phenomena.