On the Back
Using the Cauldron for Ritual, Creation and Manifestation
Discover the Celtic history and lore of the cauldron and learn the many ways it can focus your intent to manifest change in your life.
This easy-to-follow book contains practical modern-day recipes and rituals that can become a part of your everyday life no matter where you live or what culture you come from. Whether you want to create more flow and joy in your space or attract love and abundance, Celtic Cauldron will guide you through every step of the process using readily available ingredients or your own choice of herbs and plants to make your rituals more personal.
Combining her knowledge of Celtic shamanism, crystals and working with plant spirit medicines, Nicola McIntosh shows how to create herbal brews, essences, incense, spell bottles, medicine pouches, meals, anointing salves and much more in a variety of cauldrons. Her contemporary approach brings the old ways dynamically into the new.
Information: 279 Pages, (Hardback)